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We kindly invite you all to submit a regular 1-page abstract or an extended abstract on the following topics: 

  • System Design and Optimization
  • Expanders (Turbines, Scroll, Screw, Piston, Vane, ...)
  • Working Fluids
  • Simulation and Design Tools
  • Operational Experience
  • New and Existing Applications
  • Automotive Heat Recovery
  • Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (scCO2) power plants
  • Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) power plants

To be able to submit an abstract you first need to create an account on this website. Within a few seconds you will receive your password by email. After signing on with you personal user account you can use the "Click for Abstract Submission" or Click for Extended Abstract Submission" on your User Area to submit your abstract.

All authors who would like to be considered for an oral or a poster presentation and publication in the Book of Abstracts can upload their abstracts (either regular or extended) as a PDF file by April 29th, 2013.*  The reviewers will decide upon the work be presented during the oral or poster session.

Only extended abstract will be considered for publication in the ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power . Extended abstracts with a maximum length of 4 pages can be uploaded as a PDF file by April 29th, 2013.

*NOTE: The same topic cannot be treated in both a regular and an extended abstract: the authors must decided for either a regular or an extended abstract.

Word and Latex templates are provided below for your convenience. These templates are already set with the correct page size, fonts, line spacing and margins, as required for ASME-ORC2013 book of abstracts. This will ensure that you are using the correct format.

Please download the template below and use it for writing and formatting your abstract.

Please convert your ASME-ORC2013 abstract to a PDF file. Be sure to embed the fonts when creating the PDF.

  • DO NOT password protect your file.
  • Make sure the filename has only one extension (“.pdf”)